what We believe in
Our values & assumptions
Name history
Why "SCOBY" ?
Originally SCOBY is the Symbiotic Culture of Bacteria and Yeast and is the bacterium used to create kombucha. It is capable of recreating itself and its environment - just from a tiny piece of Scoby that is put in water. It can replicate itself infinitly. We adapt Scoby to be a living organization defined by the acronym for "Social Conscious Organization Building and Yelling".
Building and yelling is at the core of SCOBY collective, to act and influence as we believe both are needed now to respond quickly to the social and environmental crisis we are in.
How we work
Steward Ownership
Our standard organization structure is at the intersection of the golden share model of steward ownership and the cooperative model.
Changing the paradigm is changing the engine behind our system, today it is money and we believe it should be people, more specifically stakeholders.
We create a movement where humans are the pilots and money is the fuel. Investment is rewarded with yearly interest and engagement is rewarded with voting rights.