Extend your team with fractional experts to rethink or develop your business

Gain traction and structure your organization to convince investors, attract better talents to your team, scale more rapidly or just reach profitability.

Organizations grow at the speed of trust

We leverage the power of the collective to onboard instantly a squad of two to three experts who like working together and their common track record clearly speak for itself.

We are not your tipical consulting team

We don't show you great slides with an ideal plan. We deliver thought through and feasible strategies and we implement them for you.

Organizations grow at the speed of trust

We leverage the power of the collective to onboard instantly a squad of two to three experts who like working together and their common track record clearly speak for itself.

We are not your tipical consulting team

We don't show you great slides with an ideal plan. We deliver thought through and feasible strategies and we implement them for you.

Organizations grow at the speed of trust

We leverage the power of the collective to onboard instantly a squad of two to three experts who like working together and their common track record clearly speak for itself.

We are not your tipical consulting team

We don't show you great slides with an ideal plan. We deliver thought through and feasible strategies and we implement them for you.


Working along with your team to:

Rethink your business

with experienced advisors, entrepreneurs and industry leaders.

Rethink your business

with experienced advisors, entrepreneurs and industry leaders.

Rethink your business

with experienced advisors, entrepreneurs and industry leaders.

Boost your growth

with more capacity from an extended team until you hit the traction to attract the best talents.

Boost your growth

with more capacity from an extended team until you hit the traction to attract the best talents.

Boost your growth

with more capacity from an extended team until you hit the traction to attract the best talents.

Restructure your organization

with best practices, processes & frameworks implemented by our experts.

Restructure your organization

with best practices, processes & frameworks implemented by our experts.

Restructure your organization

with best practices, processes & frameworks implemented by our experts.


Expertises we can support you with

Financials, Reporting & Fundraising

Financials when they are right can really make the difference in your fundraising but also in how you manage your company as it can help you take the right decisions and see in advance the changing environment of your organization. Our CFOs will help you have a real financial strategy to convince investors and to manage your business in cleaner and leaner way possible. They can also help you build a fundraising strategy not only relying on VC rounds.

Marketing, Sales & growth Hacking

Everything gets easier and real with customers so our growth hackers, storytellers, marketing and sales experts will help you push the right messages to the right audience to grow your inbound and outbound acquisition of customers, partners or even crowdfunders. We will help you get the traction you need to grow your team, convince investors or partners and to start looking at the future differently.

Impact Strategy, Assessment & Transparency

Impact is our first priority and as any priority we need a clear strategy to deploy so we will make sure you have an impact strategy that resonates with your purpose to enhance your organization with a clear path to a positive impact that will serve the planet and satisfy your stakeholders.

Operation, Team Governance & Culture

Smooth operation with clear workflows and processes, distributed governance and the right culture can at least double the motivation and efficiency of any team. Our operation heroes will help you automate, standardise and clarify your operations to gain efficiency. They will also help you create an internal communication, playbooks, wikis to manage information and ensure it is availble for who need it. On top we will assist you to rethink your governance and build your team culture.

Innovation & Business Strategy

Some of us are successful entrepreneurs who have done what you are currently doing and have exited their company or brought them to profitability. They will help you innovate and mostly create strong business strategy that will ensure the success of your company on the long term.

Talk to one of our fractional expert

We are here to make your journey less of a nightmare

We are here to make your journey less of a nightmare

Our sectors

Industry Specific Experts

Seaweed (all applications)

Seaweed (all applications)

Seaweed (all applications)

Food, Water & Agriculture

Food, Water & Agriculture

Food, Water & Agriculture

Circular Economy & Waste Management

Healthcare & Wellness

Diversity, Inclusion & Social Equity

New Media & Journalism

Energy, Mobility & Freight

How it works

Your journey with us



We dedicate our top entrepreneurship experts to prioritise with you, find fast tracking hacks and strategies to hit your targets much faster. Get a clear vision, mission, purpose and values and a clear roadmap.

We deep dive in your business and operation to identify where you need the most hands on supports through custom assessment sprints.

We dedicate our top entrepreneurship experts to prioritise with you, find fast tracking hacks and strategies to hit your targets much faster. Get a clear vision, mission, purpose and values and a clear roadmap.

We deep dive in your business and operation to identify where you need the most hands on supports through custom assessment sprints.

We dedicate our top entrepreneurship experts to prioritise with you, find fast tracking hacks and strategies to hit your targets much faster. Get a clear vision, mission, purpose and values and a clear roadmap.

We deep dive in your business and operation to identify where you need the most hands on supports through custom assessment sprints.


Based on the needs and priorities discovered earlier for your organization, we constitute a squad of top executives and hands-on experts who will act as your co-founders and take the two or three strategic roles to let you focus on what the business needs you the most.

Acting as an extension of your team the squad will build strategies and implement them after you approved them. We usually take strategic roles in finance, marketing growth, product or operation as well as some industry specific roles in each of our specialized sectors (seaweed, food, healthcare, energy, mobility, circular economy, etc)

Based on the needs and priorities discovered earlier for your organization, we constitute a squad of top executives and hands-on experts who will act as your co-founders and take the two or three strategic roles to let you focus on what the business needs you the most.

Acting as an extension of your team the squad will build strategies and implement them after you approved them. We usually take strategic roles in finance, marketing growth, product or operation as well as some industry specific roles in each of our specialized sectors (seaweed, food, healthcare, energy, mobility, circular economy, etc)




The squad will work along with your team on a weekly basis to deliver results and grow your business. When the strategies are validated with you the squad ensures it is delivered. If other skills or expertises are needed they can bring some of our community advisors, industry specialist to bring ad-hoc support.

We match you with mentors, advisors and industry experts to coach you, make intros and help you mature your vision and overcome the entrepreneurial challenges.

The squad will work along with your team on a weekly basis to deliver results and grow your business. When the strategies are validated with you the squad ensures it is delivered. If other skills or expertises are needed they can bring some of our community advisors, industry specialist to bring ad-hoc support.

We match you with mentors, advisors and industry experts to coach you, make intros and help you mature your vision and overcome the entrepreneurial challenges.


On a monthly basis, we review together the priorities and adapt the squad respectively to ensure the expertises of the squad fit with the needs of the business and we change the roles given to the squad. This ensure the squad doesn't overlap with your team members (depending on hire and lays off) but rather complement it the best way.

Our goal is to make you grow until your entire team is hired in house and you don't need us anymore so if you say you prefer full time staff, we understand. Only we know that the earlier stages of a startup are so fluctating in term of needs that usually it is not really suited for full time senior staff.

On a monthly basis, we review together the priorities and adapt the squad respectively to ensure the expertises of the squad fit with the needs of the business and we change the roles given to the squad. This ensure the squad doesn't overlap with your team members (depending on hire and lays off) but rather complement it the best way.

Our goal is to make you grow until your entire team is hired in house and you don't need us anymore so if you say you prefer full time staff, we understand. Only we know that the earlier stages of a startup are so fluctating in term of needs that usually it is not really suited for full time senior staff.


Talk to one of our fractional expert

Talk to an expert

We are here to make your journey less of a nightmare

We are here to make your journey less of a nightmare